Signing Up

There’s three steps to getting signed up

Pre-Registration: We ask you to let us know your school is coming sometime in early February by using this Google Form.
Registration: Registration of students is done online using PermissionClick. The link will be added here in the spring. 
The fee is $18/student before April 12 and then $20/student until the 18th. After the 18th registration is closed.
You can pay here using a credit card, or by sending a check to:
Red River Heritage Fair
c/o James Dykstra
86 Bernard Bay
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2C 3Y1
Media Consent Form. We will be taking pictures at the Fair so we’ll be sending you a media consent form to cover photos, TV or newspaper reporters that may be there, etc. If a parent won’t consent to having their child’s picture taken at the Fair, unfortunately that child may not come to the Fair.